Unit 1: Kinematics (1D and 2D)

●       Reference Frames and Displacement

●       Average Velocity and Instantaneous Velocity

●       Motion at Constant Acceleration

●       Falling Objects

●       Adding Vectors by Components

●       Projectile Motion: projectiles fired horizontally and at an angle

●       Graphical Analysis of Motion

GIANCOLI (7e): Chapter 1 (1-4 through 1-6) and Chapter 2 (2-1 through 2-8) and Chapter 3 (3-1 through 3-8)

  • Monday (August 12):

    Go over Expectations and syllabus

    Supply List

    Preview website: www.drbellscourses.com

    Classroom features: Laptops, pencil sharpeners, rulers, bathroom

    AP Classroom register for section

    Grading Policies

    Homework: Sign Syllabus and turn in to Schoology , Long term AP Classroom homework assignments (workbook, daily videos, progress checks)

    Tuesday (August 13):

    Lecture: Kinematics (introduction, motion in 1D, Distance-Time Graphs)

    Hand out Unit 1 Notes

    Homework: Read sections 1.4-1.6, take notes.

    Wednesday (August 14):

    Lecture: Kinematics (Reference Frames, Displacement, Velocity, Kinematic equation 1)

    Homework: Read sections 2.1-2.2, take notes

    Thursday (August 15):

    Lecture: Kinematics (Free Fall, Acceleration due to Gravity, Displacement vs. Time, Kinematic equations 2,3)

    Homework: Read sections 2.3-2.4, take notes

    Friday (August 16):

    Crash Course Physics: Motion in a Straight Line

    Lab Journal and Lab Reports Expectations

    -Lab Journal: for collecting and analyzing data

    -Lab Report: is a typed write up using Microsoft Word and Excel to submitted to Schoology

    Lab Journal/Report Template

    Lab Report Grading Rubric

    Lab: Constant Velocity - Guided

    Homework: Read sections 2.5-2.6, take notes

  • Monday (August 19):

    Lab Report - write it up in class

    Homework: Read sections 2.7-2.8, take notes

    Tuesday (August 20):

    Notebook Check (lab grade)

    Work on AP Classroom work

    Homework: Work on AP Classroom material

    Wednesday (August 21):

    Work on AP Classroom material

    Homework: Work on AP Classroom material

    Thursday (August 22):

    Practice Problems worksheet: Kinematic 1D

    Homework: Work on graphing portion of Practice Problems worksheet

    Friday (August 23):

    Practice Problems worksheet

    Homework: Finish Practice Problems worksheet, turn in to Schoology

  • Monday (August 26):

    Review for Test: Kinematic 1D

    Review MCQs Kinematics 1D with answers (finish in 1 day, not turned in)

    Homework: Study for Test, AP Classroom Material

    Tuesday (August 27):

    Review for Test: Kinematic 1D

    Review FRQs (Not turned in)


    Homework: Study for Test, Finish FRQs 1D

    Wednesday (August 28):

    Review for Test: Kinematic 1D

    Kahoot!: Review for Unit 1 Test: Kinematics 1D

    Homework: Study for Test

    Thursday (August 29):

    Test Kinematics 1D

    -(18 MCQs (50%), 1 short FRQ (50%))

    Homework: Read Section 3.1-3.2, take notes

    Friday (August 30):

    Crash Course Physics: Vectors and 2D Kinematics

    Lecture: Kinematics 2D

    Unit 1 Notes: Kinematics 2D

    Homework: Read Sections 3.3-3.4, take notes

  • Monday (September 2):

    Labor Day! (No School)

    Tuesday (September 3):

    Lecture: Kinematics 2D (Basic Vector Operations in 2D)

    Unit 1 Notes: Kinematic 2D

    Homework: Read Sections 3.5-3.6, take notes

    Wednesday (September 4):

    Lecture: Kinematics 2D (Parabolic Motion)

    Homework: Read Sections 3.7-3.8, take notes

    Thursday (September 5):

    Lab: Ball Bounce - Inquiry Lab

    Homework: Finish Lab Report, submit to Schoology

    Friday (September 6):

    Practice Problems worksheet Kinematics

    Practice Problems worksheet solutions video

    Practice Problems worksheet: Kinematics 2D

    Homework: Work on Practice Problems worksheet

  • Monday (September 9):

    Practice Problems worksheet

    Homework: Finish Practice Problems worksheet, submit to Schoology

    Tuesday (September 10):

    AP Classroom Assignments Due tonight by midnight (workbook into Schoology, progress checks and daily videos graded through AP Classroom)

    Homework: Finish AP Classroom Assignments Due tonight by midnight (workbook into Schoology, progress checks and daily videos graded through AP Classroom)

    Wednesday (September 11):

    Lab: Projectile Motion - Inquiry Lab - 3 Parts

    Homework: Work on Lab Report

    Thursday (September 12):

    Lab: Projectile Motion - Inquiry Lab - 3 Parts

    Homework: Finish Lab Report, Submit to Schoology

    Friday (September 13):

    Notebook Check!

    Review Packet: Kinematics 1D

    Review Packet: Kinematics 2D

    Homework: Study for Test

  • Monday (September 16):

    Review Practice Problems

    Kahoot!: Review

    Homework: Study for Test

    Tuesday (September 17):

    Test: Kinematics 2D


    Wednesday (September 18):

    Review Test Statistics

    Unit 2 Notes

    Unit 2 Notes #2

    Unit 2 Workbook (due Oct 20th)???

    Lecture: Dynamics (Forces, Newton’s Laws, Mass and Weight)

    Homework: Read Sections 4.1-4.2, Take Notes

    Thursday (September 19):

    Lecture: Dynamics (Free-Body Diagrams, Kinetic Friction and Static Friction)

    Homework: Read Sections 4.3-4.4, Take Notes

    Friday (September 20):

    Lab: Friction - Inquiry Lab

    Homework: Read Sections 4.7-4.8, Take Notes

Unit 2: Dynamics (Forces and Newton’s Laws)

●       Forces

●       Free-Body-Diagrams

●       Newton’s Laws of Motion

●       Mass and Weight

●       Applications Involving Friction, Inclines, Pulley systems

GIANCOLI (7e): Chapter 4 (4-1 through 4-8)

  • Monday (September 23):

    Lab: Friction - Inquiry Lab

    Notebook Check!

    Homework: Work on Lab Report.

    Tuesday (September 24):

    Lab: Friction - Inquiry Lab

    Homework: Finish Lab Report and submit to Schoology

    Wednesday (September 25):

    Lecture: Unit 2: Dynamics (Resolving Two Dimensional Forces)

    Homework: Work on AP Classroom material

    Thursday (September 26):

    Lecture: Unit 2: Dynamics (Inclined Planes, Static Equilibrium)

    Homework: Work on AP Classroom material

    Friday (September 27):

    AP Classroom material (Daily Videos, Progress Check, Workbook)

    Homework: Work on AP Classroom material

  • Monday (September 30):

    AP Classroom material (Daily Videos, Progress Check, Workbook)

    Homework: Work on AP Classroom material

    Tuesday (October 1):

    Lab: Newton’s Second Law - Guided

    Homework: work on Lab

    Wednesday (October 2):

    Lab: Newton’s Second Law - Guided

    Homework: work on Lab

    Thursday (October 3):

    Lab: Newton’s Second Law - Guided

    Homework: Finish Lab Report and submit to Schoology

    Friday (October 4):

    Unit 2 Dynamics Practice problems

    Unit 2 Dynamics Practice Problems Solutions

    Unit 2 Dynamics Practice Problems solutions video

    Unit 2 FBD worksheet

    Unit 2 Newton’s 2nd Law worksheet

    Homework: Work on Practice Problems

  • Monday (October 7):

    Unit 2 Dynamics Practice problems

    Homework: Finish Practice problems, submit to Schoology

    Tuesday (October 8):

    ?????UNIT 2 TEST: STATIC FORCES??????

    Practice Problems Worksheets

    Homework: Work on Practice Problems Worksheet

    Wednesday (October 9):

    Practice Problems Worksheets

    Homework: Finish Practice Problems Worksheets, Submit to Schoology

    Thursday (October 10):

    Giancoli Chapter 4 Problems (Problems 1-18)

    Homework: Work on AP Classroom material or Giancoli Chapter 4 Problems

    Friday (October 11):

    (End of 1st Grading Period)

    Giancoli Chapter 4 Problems (Problems 19-35)

    Homework: Work on AP Classroom material or Giancoli Chapter 4 Problems

  • Monday (October 14):

    Giancoli Chapter 4 Problems (problems 36-65)

    Homework: Work on AP Classroom material or Giancoli Chapter 4 Problems

    Tuesday (October 15):

    Lab: Inclined Plane - Inquiry

    Homework: Work on Lab Report

    Wednesday (October 16):

    Lab: Inclined Plane - Inquiry

    Homework: Work on Lab Report

    Thursday (October 17):

    Lab: Inclined Plane - Inquiry

    Homework: Finish Lab Report, Submit to Schoology

    Friday (October 18):

    Professional Day!

  • Monday (October 21):

    AP Classroom material (Daily Videos, Progress Check, Workbook)

    Homework: FINISH AP Classroom material, submit to Schoology

    Tuesday (October 22):

    Study for test

    DynamicsPractice MCQs

    Dynamics Practice MCQs SOLUTIONS

    Dynamics Practice FRQs

    Dynamics Practice FRQs SOLUTIONS

    Wednesday (October 23):

    Unit 2: Dynamics Test

    Thursday (October 24):

    Unit 3: UCM AP Classroom Material

    Homework: Unit 3: UCM AP Classroom Material

    Friday (October 25):

    Unit 3: UCM AP Classroom Material

    Homework: Unit 3: UCM AP Classroom Material

  • Monday (October 23):

    Lecture: UCM (Period, Frequency, and Centripetal Acceleration)

    Homework: Unit 3: UCM AP Classroom Material

    Tuesday (October 24):

    Unit 3 UCM Notes

    Unit 3: AP Classroom Workbook UCM

    Lecture: Unit 3 UCM (Centripetal Force, Vertical UCM, Roller Coasters and Swinging Buckets, Horizontal UCM, Ball on a String)

    Homework: Read Section 5.1-5.2, take notes

    Wednesday (October 25):

    Lecture: Unit 3 UCM (Gravitational Force, Gravitational Field and Surface Gravity, Gravity in Space, Orbital Motion, Kepler’s Third Law of Motion)

    Homework: Read Section 5.3-5.4, take notes

    Thursday (October 26):

    Unit 3: Practice Problem: UCM and Gravity

    Unit 3: Practice Problems: UCM and Gravity SOLUTIONS

    Homework: Read Section 5.5-5.6, take notes

    Friday (October 27):

    Unit 3: Practice Problem: UCM and Gravity

    Homework: Read Section 5.7-5.8, take notes

Unit 3: Uniform Circular Motion

●       Kinematics of Uniform Circular Motion

●       Dynamics of Uniform Circular Motion

●       Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation

●       Gravity Near the Earth’s Surface

●       Satellites and “Weightlessness”

●       Kepler’s Laws

GIANCOLI (7e): Chapter 5 (5-1 through 5-8)

  • Monday (November 4):

    Notebook Check

    Unit 3: Practice Problem: UCM and Gravity

    Homework: Finish Practice Problems, Turn in to Schoology.Notebook Check

    Unit 3: Practice Problem: UCM and Gravity

    Homework: Finish Practice Problems, Turn in to Schoology.

    Tuesday (November 5):

    Lab: UCM Airplane

    Homework: work on Lab: UCM Airplane

    Wednesday (November 6):

    Lab: UCM Airplane

    Homework: work on Lab: UCM Airplane

    Thursday (November 7):

    Lab: UCM Airplane

    Homework: Finish Lab: UCM Airplane, turn in to Schoology

    Friday (November 8):

    Unit 3: UCM AP Classroom Material

    Homework: Unit 3: UCM AP Classroom Material

  • Monday (November 11):

    Unit 3: UCM AP Classroom Material

    Homework: Unit 3: UCM AP Classroom Material

    Tuesday (November 12):

    Giancoli: Chapter 5 problems

    Homework: Work on AP Classroom material: Unit 3 UCM and Gravity

    Wednesday (November 13):

    Giancoli: Chapter 5 problems

    Homework: Work on AP Classroom material: Unit 3 UCM and Gravity

    Thursday (November 14):

    Giancoli: Chapter 5 problems

    DUE TONIGHT: AP Classroom material: Unit 3 UCM and Gravity

    Homework: Finish AP Classroom material: Unit 3 UCM and Gravity

    Friday (November 15):

    Study for Test

    UCM and Gravity MCQs

    UCM and Gravity MCQs SOLUTIONS

    UCM and Gravity FRQs

    UCM and Gravity FRQs SOLUTIONS

  • Monday (November 18):

    Unit 3 Test: UCM and Gravity

    Tuesday (November 19):

    Unit 4 AP Classroom Workbook

    Unit 4 Notes

    Lecture: Unit 4 Energy and Work (Systems, Conservation of Energy, GPE, Kinetic Energy)

    Homework: Read Section 6.1-6.2, take notes

    Wednesday (November 20):

    Lecture: Unit 4 Energy and Work (Kinetic Energy, Elastic Potential Energy, Power, Conservation of Energy Mixed Problems, Graphical Analysis)

    Homework: Read Section 6.3-6.4, take notes

    Thursday (November 21):

    Practice Problems: Unit 4 Energy and Work

    Practice Problems: Unit 4 Energy and Work SOLUTIONS

    Homework: Read Section 6.5-6.6, take notes

    Friday (November 22):

    Practice Problems: Unit 4 Energy and Work

    Homework: Read Section 6.7-6.8, take notes

Unit 4: Energy and Work

●       Work

●       Kinetic Energy and the Work-Energy Theorem

●       Potential Energy: Gravitational and Elastic

●       Mechanical Energy and its Conservation

●       Power

GIANCOLI (7e): Chapter 6 (6-1, 6-2 through 6-10)

Unit 5: Momentum (Linear)

●       Impulse and Change in Momentum

●       Conservation of Momentum

●       Center of Mass (some textbooks cover this in Rotational Motion)

●       Conservation of Energy and Momentum in Collisions (1 dimension)

●       Conservation of Momentum in Collisions (2 dimensions: qualitative and semi-quantitative only)

GIANCOLI (7e): Chapter 7 (7-1through 7-6)

  • Winter Break!

  • Winter Break!

  • Monday (January 8):

    Lecture: Momentum

    Unit 5 Notes

    Unit 5 AP Classroom Workbook

    Homework: Read Sections 7.1-7.2, take notes

    Tuesday (January 9):

    Lecture: Momentum

    Homework: Read Sections 7.3-7.4, take notes

    Wednesday (January 10):

    Practice Problems: Unit 5 Momentum

    Practice Problems: Unit 5 Momentum SOLUTIONS

    Homework: Read Sections 7.5-7.6

    Thursday (January 11):

    Practice Problems: Unit 5 Momentum

    Homework: Finish Practice Problems and submit the Schoology

    Friday (January 12):

    Notebook Check (moved to Monday)

    AP Classroom Material

    Homework: Read Sections 7.7-7.9, AP Classroom Material

  • Monday (January 15):

    Martin Luther King Jr. Day! (No School)

    Tuesday (January 16):

    Lab: Conservation of Momentum

    Homework: Read Section 7.9, Work on Lab Report

    Wednesday (January 17):

    Lab: Conservation of Momentum

    Homework: Work on Lab Report

    Thursday (January 18):

    Lab: Conservation of Momentum

    Homework: Finish Lab Report and turn in to Schoology

    Friday (January 19):

    AP Classroom Material

    Homework: Work on AP Classroom Material

  • Monday (January 22):

    Giancoli Chapter 7 (Problems 1-21)

    Homework: Giancoli Chapter 7 (Problems 1-21)

    Tuesday (January 23):

    Giancoli Chapter 7 (Problems 22-45)

    Homework: Giancoli Chapter 7 (Problems 22-45)

    Wednesday (January 24):

    AP Classroom Material Due Tonight by 11:59PM

    Giancoli Chapter 7 (General Problems 62-81)

    Homework: AP Classroom Material Due tonight by 11:59PM, Giancoli Chapter 7 (General Problems 62-81)

    Thursday (January 25):

    More Practice Problems MCQs

    More Practice Problems MCQs SOLUTIONS

    More Practice Problems FRQs

    More Practice Problems FRQs SOLUTIONS

    Homework: Study for Test Tomorrow

    Friday (January 26):

    Unit 5: Momentum Test

Unit 6: Simple Harmonic Motion

  • Energy changes from potential to kinetic during simple harmonic motion

  • Spring pendulum

  • Simple pendulum

  • Graph position, velocity, and acceleration as functions of time for simple harmonic motion

GIANCOLI (7e): Chapter 11 (11-1 through 11-4)

Unit 7: Torque and Rotational Motion

●       Torque

●       Center of Mass (qualitative)

●       Rotational Kinematics

●       Rotational Dynamics and Rotational Inertia

●       Rolling Motion (without slipping)

●       Rotational Kinetic Energy

●       Angular Momentum and its Conservation

GIANCOLI (7e): Chapter 7 (7-8); Chapter 8 (8-1 through 8-8)

Unit 8: Fluids

●       Density

●       Pressure

●       Buoyancy

●       Moving Fluids (Fluid Dynamics)

●       Bernoulli’s Equation, Pascal’s Principle, Torricelli’s Theorem

GIANCOLI (7e): Chapter 10 (1-10)

  • Monday (April ???):

    Lecture: Fluids

    Unit 8 Notes

    Unit 8 AP Classroom Workbook

    Homework: Read Sections 10.1-10.2, take notes

    Tuesday (April ???):

    Lecture: Fluids

    Homework: Read Sections 10.3-10.4, take notes

    Wednesday (April ??):

    Lecture: Fluids

    Homework: Read Sections 10.5-10.6, take notes

    Thursday (April ???):

    Practice Problems: Unit 8 Momentum

    Practice Problems: Unit 8 Momentum SOLUTIONS

    Homework: Read Sections 10.7-10.8

    Friday (April ???):

    Practice Problems: Unit 8 Momentum

    Homework: Read Sections 10.9-10.10

  • Monday (April ???):

    Lab: Simple Harmonic Motion

    Homework: Work on Lab Report

    Tuesday (April ???):

    Lab: Simple Harmonic Motion

    Homework: Work on Lab Report

    Wednesday (April ??):

    Lab: Simple Harmonic Motion

    Homework: Finish Lab Report and submit to Schoology

    Thursday (April ???):

    AP Classroom material

    Homework: Work on AP Classroom Material

    Friday (April ???):

    AP Classroom material

    Homework: Work on AP Classroom Material

  • Monday (April ???):

    Practice Problems worksheet

    Homework: Practice Problems worksheet

    Tuesday (April ???):

    Practice Problems worksheet

    Homework: Finish Practice Problems worksheet

    Wednesday (April ??):

    Review packet

    Homework: Review Packet

    Thursday (April ???):

    Kahoot! Review for Test tomorrow

    Review packet

    Homework: Study for Test

    Friday (April ???):

    Test: Unit 8: Fluids

    Homework: None!


  • Khan Academy - Test Grade for Q4

  • FRQ Questions Last 5 years - Lab grade for Q4

  • Barron’s AP Physics 1 Diagnostic/Practice Tests - Employability grade for Q4

  • Spring Break!

  • Monday (March 18):

    Khan Academy - AP Physics 1 Review - 80% completion for credit

    FRQs - Last 5 years - Rubrics Included

    KHAN ACADEMY/ FRQ WORK ALL DUE 4/19/2024 @ 11:59PM

    Khan Academy = Test Grade for Q4

    FRQ Questions Last 5 years - Lab grade for Q4

    Tuesday (March 19):

    Khan Academy - AP Physics 1 Review - 80% completion for credit

    FRQ Problem - Last 5 years

    Wednesday (March 20):

    Khan Academy - AP Physics 1 Review - 80% completion for credit

    FRQ Problem - Last 5 years

    Thursday (March 21):

    Khan Academy - AP Physics 1 Review - 80% completion for credit

    FRQ Problem - Last 5 years

    Friday (March 22):

    Khan Academy - AP Physics 1 Review - 80% completion for credit

    FRQ Problem - Last 5 years

  • Monday (March 25):

    Khan Academy - AP Physics 1 Review - 80% completion for credit

    FRQ Problem - Last 5 years

    Tuesday (March 26):

    Khan Academy - AP Physics 1 Review - 80% completion for credit

    FRQ Problem - Last 5 years

    Wednesday (March 27):

    Khan Academy - AP Physics 1 Review - 80% completion for credit

    FRQ Problem - Last 5 years

    Thursday (March 28):

    Khan Academy - AP Physics 1 Review - 80% completion for credit

    FRQ Problem - Last 5 years

    Friday (March 29):


  • Monday (April 1):

    Khan Academy - AP Physics 1 Review - 80% completion for credit

    FRQ Problem - Last 5 years

    Tuesday (April 2):

    Khan Academy - AP Physics 1 Review - 80% completion for credit

    FRQ Problem - Last 5 years

    Wednesday (April 3):

    Khan Academy - AP Physics 1 Review - 80% completion for credit

    FRQ Problem - Last 5 years

    Thursday (April 4):

    Khan Academy - AP Physics 1 Review - 80% completion for credit

    FRQ Problem - Last 5 years

    Friday (April 5):

    Khan Academy - AP Physics 1 Review - 80% completion for credit

    FRQ Problem - Last 5 years

  • Monday (April 8):

    Khan Academy - AP Physics 1 Review - 80% completion for credit

    FRQ Problem - Last 5 years

    Tuesday (April 9):

    Khan Academy - AP Physics 1 Review - 80% completion for credit

    FRQ Problem - Last 5 years

    Wednesday (April 10):

    Khan Academy - AP Physics 1 Review - 80% completion for credit

    FRQ Problem - Last 5 years

    Thursday (April 11):

    Khan Academy - AP Physics 1 Review - 80% completion for credit

    FRQ Problem - Last 5 years

    Friday (April 12):

    Khan Academy - AP Physics 1 Review - 80% completion for credit

    FRQ Problem - Last 5 years

  • Monday (April 15):

    Khan Academy - AP Physics 1 Review - 80% completion for credit

    FRQ Problem - Last 5 years

    Tuesday (April 16):

    Khan Academy - AP Physics 1 Review - 80% completion for credit

    FRQ Problem - Last 5 years

    Wednesday (April 17):

    Khan Academy - AP Physics 1 Review - 80% completion for credit

    FRQ Problem - Last 5 years

    Thursday (April 18):

    Khan Academy - AP Physics 1 Review - 80% completion for credit

    FRQ Problem - Last 5 years

    Friday (April 19):


    Khan Academy - AP Physics 1 Review - 80% completion for credit

    FRQ Problem - Last 5 years

  • Monday (April 22):

    Study for MOCK EXAM (AP PHYSICS 1 Final Exam Grade - Not digital test)

    Review Packet Units 5-7

    How to Design an Experiment and Most Common AP Physics 1 Labs

    Important Concepts in AP Physics 1

    Important Equations and Summaries in AP Physics 1

    Tuesday (April 23):

    Study for MOCK EXAM

    Wednesday (April 24):

    Study for MOCK EXAM

    Thursday (April 25):

    Study for MOCK EXAM

    Tips and Strategies for AP Physics 1 Test

    Friday (April 26):

    MOCK EXAM: AP Physics 1 in the morning

  • Monday (April 29):

    MAKEUP MIDTERM EXAM (3 hours, Periods 1-3 in Room 17-110)

    Barrons: AP Physics 1 Test book practice

    Diagnostics Test

    Barrons Practice Tests (3 of them, self-graded) will be Employability grades for Q4

    Tuesday (April 30):

    Barrons: AP Physics 1 Test book practice

    Diagnostics Test

    Wednesday (May 1):

    Barrons: AP Physics 1 Test book practice

    Homework: Finish Diagnostics Test and self-grade it

    Thursday (May 2):

    Barrons: AP Physics 1 Test book practice

    Practice Test 1

    Friday (May 3):

    Barrons: AP Physics 1 Test book practice

    Practice Test 1

  • Monday (May 6):

    Barrons: AP Physics 1 Test book practice

    Practice Test 1

    Homework: Finish Practice Test 1 and self-grade

    Tuesday (May 7):

    Barrons: AP Physics 1 Test book practice

    Practice Test 2

    Wednesday (May 8):

    Barrons: AP Physics 1 Test book practice

    Practice Test 2

    Thursday (May 9):

    Barrons: AP Physics 1 Test book practice

    Practice Test 2

    Homework: Finish Practice Test 2 and self-grade

    Friday (May 10):

    Barrons: AP Physics 1 Test book practice

    Last day for Barrons - Review where needed

  • Monday (May 13):

    AP Physics 1 - Practice Workbook - Book 1: Mechanics, Waves and Sound, Electrostatics and DC Circuits (OLD)

    Study for AP Physics 1 Exam

    List of Equations that are not on the AP Formula Sheet

    AP Classroom Practice Tests

    Tuesday (May 14):

    Study for AP Physics 1 Exam

    AP Classroom Practice Tests

    Wednesday (May 15):

    Study for AP Physics 1 Exam

    AP Classroom Practice Tests

    Thursday (May 16):

    Study for AP Physics 1 Exam

    AP Classroom Practice Tests

    Homework: Get a good night of sleep, Bring Calculator.

    Friday (May 17):

    AP Physics 1 Exam

    (I am so sorry seniors)

    Last Day!(Senior Edition)

  • Monday (May 20):

    Movies and Popcorn

    Tuesday (May 21):

    Movies and Popcorn

    Wednesday (May 22):

    Movies and Popcorn

    Thursday (May 23):

    Movies and Popcorn

    Friday (May 24):

    Movies and Popcorn

    Last Day!