Unit 1: Charting the Heavens: The Foundation of Astronomy

Unit 2: The Copernican Revolution: The Birth of Modern Science

Unit 3: Radiation and Spectroscopy

Unit 3.5: Telescopes

Unit 4: The Solar System - The Sun and Planets

  • Monday (October 2):

    Origin of the Solar System notes

    Lecture: Chapter 6: The Solar System

    Hmwk: Read sections 6.1-6.2

    Tuesday (October 3):

    The Secrets of the Inner Planets video

    Nova: The Planets: Inner Worlds video

    Nova: The Planets: Inner Worlds video

    Hmwk: Read sections 6.3-6.4

    Wednesday (October 4):

    Lecture: Chapter 6: The Solar System

    work on Sun Observation project PPT if time

    Thursday (October 5)

    The Secrets of the Gas Giants video

    Friday (October 6):

    K.C. #12 (sections 6.1-6.7)

  • Monday (October 9):

    Lecture: AT Chapter 7: Earth

    Hmwk: Read Sections 6.5-6.6, take notes

    Tuesday (October 10):

    Lecture: AT Chapter 7: Earth

    Crash Course Astronomy: The Earth video

    Hmwk: Read Sections 6.7-7.1, take notes

    Wednesday (October 11):

    The Complete History of Space Exploration video

    Turn in 20 things you learned while watching the video

    Hmwk: Read Sections 7.2-7.3, take notes

    Thursday (October 12):

    End of Quarter 1

    Sun Observation Project Due


    The Universe: The Outer Planets video

    The Universe: The Outer Planets video worksheet

    Kahoot! The Solar System and Earth

    Hmwk: Read sections 7.4, take notes

    Friday (October 13):

    K.C. #13 (sections 7.1-7.2)

    finish The Universe: The Outer Planets video if time

    Nova: The Planets: Jupiter video

    Hmwk: Read section 7.5, take notes

  • Monday (October 16):

    Professional Day (No School)

    Tuesday (October 17):

    Hand out Solar System Project

    Solar System Project

    Presentation Grading Rubric

    Hmwk: Read section 7.6, take notes

    Wednesday (October 18):

    Discuss Solar System Project (show examples)

    Hmwk: Work Solar System Project

    Thursday (October 19):

    Work on Solar System Project

    Hmwk: Work Solar System Project

    Friday (October 20):

    K.C. #14 (sections 7.3-7.6)

    Work on Solar System Project

    Hmwk: Work Solar System Project

  • Monday (October 23):

    Work on Solar System Project

    Hmwk: Get ready to present Thursday (Random order), Work Solar System Project

    Tuesday (October 24):

    Work on Solar System Project 

    Hmwk: Get ready to present Thursday, work on Solar System Project

    Wednesday (October 25):

    Work on Solar System Project

    Hmwk: Work on Project

    Thursday (October 26):

    Work on Solar System Project

    Hmwk: Work on Project (Due by Midnight)

    Friday (October 27):

    Presentations of Solar System Project (Take Notes)

  • Monday (October 30):

    Presentations of Solar System Project (Take Notes)

    Tuesday (October 31):

    Presentations of Solar System Project (Take Notes)

    Hmwk: Read Section 16.1

    Wednesday (November 1):

    Presentations of Solar System Project (Take Notes)

    Hmwk: None! 

    Thursday (November 2):

    Presentations of Solar System Project (Take Notes)

    Hmwk: Read Sections 16.2-16.3

    Friday (November 3):

    Textbook day: Read chapter 16

Unit 5: The Sun and Stars

Unit 6: The Milky Way and Galaxies

Unit 7: Cosmology

Unit 8: Exoplanets and Life in the Universe

  • Monday (April 1):

    DIY Planet Search

    -Make a free MicroObservatory account with school email.

    -Run through tutorial videos on how to collect and analyze data

    -Pick a day between tomorrow and a week from now to schedule and capture some data of an exoplanet for your account

    -We will be creating light curves later in the quarter

    Exoplanet Guide #1

    Exoplanet Guide #2

    Hmwk: Read Section 15.1, take notes

    Tuesday (April 2):

    Movie: Interstellar

    Hmwk: Read Section 15.2, take notes

    Wednesday (April 3):

    Movie: Interstellar

    Hmwk: Read Section 15.3, take notes

    Thursday (April 4):

    Movie: Interstellar

    Hmwk: Read Section 15.4, take notes

    Friday (April 5):

    Crash Course Astronomy: Exoplanets video

    Crash Course Astronomy: Kahoot! review

    Lecture Chapter 15: (sections 15.5-15.7)

    Hmwk: Read Section 15.5, take notes

  • Monday (April 8):

    Lecture Chapter 15: (sections 15.5-15.7)

    Hmwk: Read Section 15.6, take notes

    Tuesday (April 9):

    Lecture Chapter 28: Life in the Universe: Drake Equation

    Drake Equation Introduction

    Drake Equation Worksheet

    Hmwk: Read Section 15.7, take notes

    Wednesday (April 10):

    Galaxy Zoo Lab: Exoplanets

    NGTS or TESS survey

    Hmwk: Read Section 28.1, take notes

    Thursday (April 11):

    Nova Universe Revealed: Alien Worlds video

    Nova: Finding Life Beyond Earth: S39E13

    Hmwk: Read Section 28.2, take notes

    Friday (April 12):

    Nova: Finding Life Beyond Earth: S39E13 (continue)

    There is totally a test today

    Hmwk: Read Section 28.3, take notes

  • Monday (April 15):

    K.C. #33 (Sections 15.5-15.7, 28.1-28.4)

    Galaxy Zoo Lab: Exoplanets

    Hmwk: Read Section 28.4, take notes

    Tuesday (April 16):

    Kahoot!: Review for Life in the Universe Test

    Hmwk: Study for Test tomorrow

    Wednesday (April 17):

    Life in the Universe Test

    Thursday (April 18):

    Life in the Universe Project


    https://userfiles-secure.educatorpages.com/userfiles/DrBell/2018_2019_Astronomy_Files/Alien civilization.pptx

    Hmwk: Work on the Life in the Universe Project

    Friday (April 19):

    Life in the Universe Project

    Hmwk: Work on the Life in the Universe Project

  • Monday (April 22):

    Life in the Universe Project

    Hmwk: Work on the Life in the Universe Project

    Tuesday (April 23):

    Life in the Universe Project

    Hmwk: Work on the Life in the Universe Project

    Wednesday (April 24):

    Life in the Universe Project

    Hmwk: Work on the Life in the Universe Project

    Thursday (April 25):

    Life in the Universe Project

    Hmwk: Work on the Life in the Universe Project

    Friday (April 26):

    Life in the Universe Project

    Hmwk: Finish Life in the Universe Project

  • Monday (April 29):

    Present Life in the Universe Project

    Tuesday (April 30):

    Present Life in the Universe Project

    Wednesday (May 1):

    Exploring Kepler Equations with Exoplanets worksheet

    Thursday (May 2):

    DIY Planet Search

    Steps to analyze data

    Friday (May 3):

    DIY Planet Search

    Steps to analyze data

  • Monday (May 6):

    DIY Planet Search

    Tuesday (May 7):

    DIY Planet Search Present and turn in Results

    Wednesday (May 8):

    Movie: The Martian

    Thursday (May 9):

    Movie: The Martian

    Friday (May 10):

    Movie: The Martian

  • Monday (May 13):

    3 page: Article response about realism in the Martian film

    Tuesday (May 14):

    3 page: Article response about realism in the Martian film

    Wednesday (May 15):

    3 page: Article response about realism in the Martian film

    Thursday (May 16):

    3 page: Article response about realism in the Martian film

    Friday (May 17):

    Due 3 page: Article response about realism in the Martian film

  • Monday (May 20):

    Movie: Contact

    Tuesday (May 21):

    Movie: Contact

    Wednesday (May 22):

    Movie: Contact

    Thursday (May 23):

    Movie: Contact

    Friday (May 24):

    Last Day of School!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Free Day!

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