Pine View School

1Python Path      •      Osprey, Florida 34229

(941) 486-2001   Fax:(941) 486-2042

Stephen P. Covert, Ph.D., Principal             Melissa Abela, Assistant Principal

Tricia Allen, Assistant Principal of Curriculum        Lana Marcotte, Assistant Principal


Astronomy (Honors/DE)

Course Description & Expectations

Teacher:  Dr. Bell   Grade level: 9-12    Room:17-110

Textbook: Astronomy Today, 9th Edition (Pearson)


History of astronomy, astronomy as a physical science, properties of light, telescopes, structure and evolution of the Sun, planets, moons, other bodies in the Solar System, stars, the Milky Way galaxy, other galaxies, history of the Universe (Big Bang Theory and Cosmolog).


Please refer to the High School Supply List. Must always bring notebook paper, red and black pen, pencil, dry erase markers, tissues, wired headphones, refillable water bottle (save the planet and a trip to the water fountain). BRING WIFI ENABLED DEVICE THAT YOU CAN TYPE WITH AND HAS ACCESS TO SCHOOLOGY

Grades:   Grades are based on the following:

1. Tests and quizzes (60%)

Tests are always announced at least a week in advance. Tests typically include about 10 vocabulary questions, at least 30 multiple-choice questions, and 2 short response questions. Quizzes are based on recent homework or video presentations and are often unannounced. An appointment to make up a test or quiz must be made immediately after returning from absence. Students will be given one day to make up missed work for each day absent (school policy).

2. Labs and Notebooks (20%)

Lab activity papers are generally due no sooner than 2 school days after the class work portion is completed but will incur a 10% penalty for each day it is late because lab equipment is often shared among teachers and the activities are coordinated to reinforce a sequential curriculum.

Students are required to keep 3 sections in a 3-ring notebook for science. Students must be organized and keep everything that is handed back because notebooks are checked several times during each marking period. The 3 sections in the notebook include:

            SECTION 1. Class notes (guided notes given in class and notes taken at home) 

SECTION 2. Homework, Knowledge checks and Class Work papers

SECTION 3. Lab reports (experiments requiring equipment to collect or analyze data)

3. Homework, Knowledge Checks and Employability (20%)

-Homework will be assigned about 4 times per week (reading assignments and/or worksheets). Worksheets will be graded as follows:

A - completed with reasonable effort shown            

B - completed satisfactorily

C or D - incomplete or substandard                         

F - not submitted

-Text book readings will be graded for comprehension with open-note Knowledge Checks at the beginning of many classes (5 questions). Homework must be done on time to be prepared for class activities. One-day late worksheets, therefore, will be worth 50% off per day.

-Participation in class, including answering questions and working well in group projects. Students are expected to arrive to class on-time. Tardiness results in a deduction of employability points and cuts into the student’s time for the Knowledge Checks given 3 times a week. Follow school rules and conduct.

Remote Learners (Quarantined and Contract Traced students):

Microsoft TEAMS will be used to video chat and participate in class. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of class using the roster TEAMS creates. Please sign and upload your CE form to Schoology or email it to me.


  1. Be Prepared: Students come with writing utensils, paper, and a device if possible, to take notes.

  2. Follow Directions: When a student is told to begin working on an assignment they do so, if they need to move to a group they do so.

  3. Pay Attention: When the teacher is speaking, video playing or presentation occurring the student is silent and paying close attention.

  4. Respect Everyone: Be polite and kind to the teacher and all other students.

  5. Be on Task: While doing an assignment continue doing it without distracting yourself and others around you.


  1. Homework Passes: Given when students go above and beyond within the classroom. Also given as rewards to Review games before exams dependent on performance.

  2. Free Time / Work on Homework early: If all assignments are done way ahead of other students one can work on homework. If this is also completed, they can work on homework they have in other classes. If this is completed free time can be given (this is rare)

  3. Toys / Candy: Given to as a reward for review games and answering hard questions throughout lectures.


  1. Nonverbal reminder: Pointing to the rules or stopping class and giving the student a look letting them know they are off task.

  2. Verbal Reminder: Say the students name and state the rules that they may be breaking.

  3. Relocate Student seat: Call on the student to move to a more appropriate spot where they will be isolated and be more likely on task.

  4. Quick Conference Outside: Have a brief discussion with the student outside away from the other students and express that if their behavior continues, they will be sent to the office.

  5. Send to office and referral: Send the student to the office and involve the administration and then contact the parent about what happened in class.

Parental Contact:

Parents will be contacted when a student’s grade falls below 70%, although day to day progress can be monitored online, and can be accessed through the county’s website. Conduct issues may also result in parental contact.

Academic Honor Code:

Students are expected to uphold the honor code and understand the consequences of choosing academic dishonesty.

Dr. Bell doesn’t take kindly to cheating, and violators will be treated accordingly.

Lab Donation:

A $15.00 donation is requested to help offset the cost of lab materials and equipment. Donations are not required but are greatly appreciated.

Back to School Wish List link:

Teacher Contact and Office Hours:

Dr. Bell can be contacted by phone at school during the following office hours:

08:14 AM to 09:15 AM (period 2), and 1:06 PM to 1:58 PM (period 7).

Please allow 24 hours for calls that were not made during office hours to be returned.

tel. # (941) 486-2001 Email:


PLEASE READ AND SIGN! Lab Materials, Applications and Science Laboratory Safety Rules

We will be using everyday household items for our Science Labs in Earth and Space Science (vinegar, dish soap, yeast, baking soda & art supplies)

Digital Applications that will be used this year: Students will access digital applications to do online labs, watch content videos, and create projects.  The applications below may be used in class

  • Gizmos ( - interactive virtual labs and simulations)

  • Phet ( - virtual interactive labs)

  • Gimkit

  • Nearpod

  • Office 365 (Teams, OneNote)

  • Brainpop

  • Safari Montage

  • Storyboard That

  • Schoology

  • Blooket/Kahoot

  • Quizlet

  • National Geographic

  • Starlab resources

  • YouTube

  • Classroom labs (all will be available to see on Blackboard)

Safety is very important in the Science laboratory.  Most accidents can be avoided by following the rules listed below.

Good Laboratory Safety depends on YOU!!!

  1. Horseplay causes accidents and is prohibited.

  2. Make sure you understand and follow all directions carefully. If you don’t understand, ASK FOR HELP!

  3. Always follow the correct procedures when using and handling equipment.

  4. Never touch or handle any lab equipment or supplies without instructions from your teacher.

  5. Do not wear coats or loose clothing in the lab.

  6. Never taste, touch or smell any chemical or substance unless told to do so by your teacher.

  7. If you break or spill something, quickly tell your teacher so that it can be cleaned up correctly.

  8. Never THROW anything.

  9. Keep your work area and all aisles clear of books, purses, clothing, etc. Chairs should be pushed in under the tables if not in use.



Course Name: Astronomy (Honors/DE) - Dr. Bell - AST2002/AST2004

Course ID: bell98210 <<< Fall 2022 - Spring 2023